unique learning methods

We rather teach students, how to think, not what to think.

Unlike the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ style of teaching, we follow very effective and innovative methodologies of learning. Our comprehensive approach relates classroom teaching to “real business practices”.


Exponential learning happens when you are immersed in an environment where you entrain the mindset, the physiology and the consciousness of the felicitator of Knowledge.

Here’s how the students connects facts and figures that creates the outcome during the learning.

  • Synchronize with your mentor.
  • Bare your soul.
  • Ask questions and invite observations.
  • Embrace the pain.
  • Adopt radically different behaviors.
  • Expect to be scared.
  • Celebrate your growth.


Aristotle once said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them”.

A formal, supervised learning experiences that rely substantially on students’ applying through direct experience the knowledge and information acquired through reading, simulations or electronic exercises, faculty instruction, or other modes of learning directly within the context and duration of the course

Experiential activities are among the most powerful teaching and learning tools available. Experiential learning requires self-initiative, an “intention to learn” and an “active phase of learning”.

Programs under which the student are exposed to experiential learning

  • Industry Visits.
  • Internships.
  • Value added programs.
  • Workshops.
  • Study Abroad.
  • Dissertation Research